23 June 2015

Semantic Web and Social Networks

> To learn Web Intelligence
> To learn Knowledge Representation for the Semantic Web
> To learn Ontology Engineering
> To learn Semantic Web Applications, Services and Technology
> To learn Social Network Analysis and semantic web

Web Intelligence
Thinking and Intelligent Web Applications, The Information Age ,The World Wide Web, Limitations of Today’s Web, The Next Generation Web, Machine Intelligence, Artificial Intelligence, Ontology, Inference engines, Software Agents, Berners-Lee www, Semantic Road Map, Logic on the semantic Web.

Knowledge Representation for the Semantic Web
Ontologies and their role in the semantic web, Ontologies Languages for the Semantic Web –
Resource Description Framework(RDF)/RDF Schema, Ontology Web Language(OWL), UML, XML/XML Schema.

Ontology Engineering
Ontology Engineering, Constructing Ontology, Ontology Development Tools, Ontology Methods, Ontology Sharing and Merging, Ontology Libraries and Ontology Mapping, Logic, Rule and Inference Engines.

Semantic Web Applications, Services and Technology
Semantic Web applications and services, Semantic Search, e-learning, Semantic Bioinformatics, Knowledge Base ,XML Based Web Services, Creating an OWL-S Ontology for Web Services, Semantic Search Technology, Web Search Agents and Semantic Methods,

Social Network Analysis and semantic web
What is social Networks analysis, development of the social networks analysis, Electronic Sources for Network Analysis – Electronic Discussion networks, Blogs and Online Communities, Web Based Networks. Building Semantic Web Applications with social network features.

1. Thinking on the Web - Berners Lee, Godel and Turing, Wiley inter science, 2008.
2. Social Networks and the Semantic Web, Peter Mika, Springer, 2007.

1. Semantic Web Technologies, Trends and Research in Ontology Based Systems, J.Davies, R.Studer, P.Warren, John Wiley & Sons.
2. Semantic Web and Semantic Web Services -Liyang Lu Chapman and Hall/CRC Publishers,(Taylor & Francis Group)
3. Information Sharing on the semantic Web - Heiner Stuckenschmidt; Frank Van Harmelen, Springer Publications.
4. Programming the Semantic Web, T.Segaran, C.Evans, J.Taylor, O’Reilly, SPD.