2 December 2015

JNTUH M.Tech 1st Year 2nd Semister Regular & Supply Results released - October 2015

02 - 12 - 2015 : M.Tech 1st Semester R13 Supplementary Exam Results - October 2015 - LINK 1 - LINK 2

02 - 12 - 2015 : M.Tech 1st Semester R09 Supplementary Exam Results - October 2015 - LINK 1 - LINK 2

02 - 12 - 2015 : M.Tech 2nd Semester R13 Regular Exam Results - October 2015 - LINK 1 - LINK 2

23 June 2015

Web Services Lab

> To implement the technologies like WSDL, UDDI.
> To learn how to implement and deploy web service client and server

List of Programs:
1. Write a program to implement WSDL Service (Hello Service . WSDL File)

2. Write a program the service provider can be implement a single get price(), static bind() and get product operation.

Information Retrieval Systems

On completion of this course you should have gained a good understanding of the foundation concepts of information retrieval techniques and be able to apply concepts into practice. Specifically, you should be able:
> To use different information retrieval techniques in various application areas
> To apply IR principles to locate relevant information large collections of data
> To analyze performance of retrieval systems when dealing with unmanaged data sources
> To implement retrieval systems for web search tasks.

Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing

The main objective of this course is to provide the students with the competences required for understanding and using the communications component of an universal communications environment. Students will be provided, in particular, with the knowledge required to understand
> emerging communications networks, their computational demands,
> the classes of distributed services and applications enabled by networks, and
> the computational means required to create the new networks and the new applications.

Semantic Web and Social Networks

> To learn Web Intelligence
> To learn Knowledge Representation for the Semantic Web
> To learn Ontology Engineering
> To learn Semantic Web Applications, Services and Technology
> To learn Social Network Analysis and semantic web

Storage Area Networks

> To understand Storage Area Networks characteristics and components.
> To become familiar with the SAN vendors and their products
> To learn Fibre Channel protocols and how SAN components use them to communicate with each other
> To become familiar with Cisco MDS 9000 Multilayer Directors and Fabric Switches Thoroughly learn Cisco SAN-OS features.
> To understand the use of all SAN-OS commands. Practice variations of SANOS features

Advanced Data Mining

> To develop the abilities of critical analysis to data mining systems and applications.
> To implement practical and theoretical understanding of the technologies for data mining
> To understand the strengths and limitations of various data mining models

Web Services and Service Oriented Architecture

> To Understand Web Services and implementation model for SOA
> To Understand the SOA, its Principles and Benefits
> To Understand XML concepts
> To Understand paradigms needed for testing Web Services
> To explore different Test Strategies for SOA-based applications
> To implement functional testing, compliance testing and load testing of Web Services
> To Identify bug-finding ideas in testing Web Services

Advanced Databases

By the end of the course, you will know:
> History and Structure of databases
> How to design a database
> How to convert the design into the appropriate tables
> Handling Keys appropriately
> Enforcing Integrity Constraints to keep the database consistent
> Normalizing the tables to eliminate redundancies

Advanced Network Programming

Computer network programming involves writing computer programs that enable processes to communicate with each other across a computer network Network programming is client–server programming Interprocess communication, even if it is bidirectional, cannot be implemented in a perfectly symmetric way: to establish a communication channel between two processes, one process must take the initiative, while the other is waiting for it.

26 January 2015

CMOS Digital Integrated System Design

MOS Design: Pseudo NMOS Logic – Inverter, Inverter threshold voltage, Output high voltage, Output Low voltage, Gain at gate threshold voltage, Transient response, Rise time, Fall time, Pseudo NMOS logic gates, Transistor equivalency, CMOS Inverter logic.

Network Security and Cryptography

Introduction: Attacks, Services and Mechanisms, Security attacks, Security services, A Model for Internetwork security.
Classical Techniques: Conventional Encryption model, Steganography, Classical Encryption Techniques.

Soft Computing Techniques

Introduction: Approaches to intelligent control, Architecture for intelligent control, Symbolic reasoning system, Rulebased systems, the AI approach, Knowledge representation - Expert systems.

Artificial Neural Networks: Concept of Artificial Neural Networks and its basic mathematical model, McCulloch-Pitts neuron model, simple perceptron, Adaline and Madaline, Feed-forward Multilayer Perceptron, Learning and Training the neural network,

Digital System Design

Minimization and Transformation of Sequential Machines: The Finite State Model – Capabilities and limitations of FSM – State equivalence and machine minimization – Simplification of incompletely specified machines. Fundamental mode model – Flow table – State reduction – Minimal closed covers – Races, Cycles and Hazards.

Hardware-Software Co-Design

Co-Design Issues: Co- Design Models, Architectures, Languages, A Generic Co-design Methodology.
Co-Synthesis Algorithms: Hardware software synthesis algorithms: hardware – software partitioning distributed system cosynthesis.

Prototyping and Emulation: Prototyping and emulation techniques, prototyping and emulation environments, future developments in emulation and prototyping architecture specialization techniques, system communication infrastructure

CPLD and FPGA Architectures and Applications

Introduction to Programmable Logic Devices: Introduction, Simple Programmable Logic Devices – Read Only Memories, Programmable Logic Arrays, Programmable Array Logic, Programmable Logic Devices/Generic Array Logic; Complex Programmable Logic Devices – Architecture of Xilinx Cool Runner XCR3064XL CPLD, CPLD Implementation of a Parallel Adder with Accumulation.

CMOS Analog Integrated Circuit Design

MOS Devices and Modeling: The MOS Transistor, Passive Components- Capacitor & Resistor, Integrated circuit Layout, CMOS Device Modeling - Simple MOS Large-Signal Model, Other Model Parameters, Small-Signal Model for the MOS Transistor, Computer Simulation Models, Sub-threshold MOS Model.

VLSI Technology and Design

Review of Microelectronics and Introduction to MOS Technologies: MOS, CMOS, BiCMOS Technology. Basic Electrical Properties of MOS, CMOS & BiCMOS Circuits: Ids–Vds relationships, Threshold Voltage VT, Gm, Gds and ωo, Pass Transistor, MOS, CMOS & Bi CMOS Inverters, Zpu/Zpd, MOS Transistor circuit model, Latch-up in CMOS circuits.

Microcontrollers and Embedded System Design

ARM Architecture: ARM Design Philosophy, Registers, Program Status Register, Instruction Pipeline, Interrupts and Vector Table, Architecture Revision, ARM Processor Families.

ARM Programming Model – I: Instruction Set: Data Processing Instructions, Addressing Modes, Branch, Load, Store Instructions, PSR Instructions, Conditional Instructions.

25 January 2015

JNTU Hyderabad - M.tech EMBEDDED SYSTEMS & VLSI DESIGN ebooks and Study Materials 2014-15

The below given links provide direct access to all the ebooks and materials for students pursuing M.tech degree(I Year I Semister) under JNTU Hyderabad "EMBEDDED SYSTEMS & VLSI DESIGN" branch.

Please Note: All the M.tech notes have been uploaded by the admin and other members of this website, you can also help your friends, colleagues and students of other colleges by simply uploading any type of engineering content, PDF, PPT, Doc, Txt etc and share them here, it can be either prepared by yourself or with the help of anybody else.