29 December 2014

JNTU Hyderabad - M.tech C.S.E ebooks and Study Materials 2014-15

The below given links provide direct access to all the ebooks and materials for students pursuing M.tech degree(I Year I Semister) under JNTU Hyderabad "Computer Science and Engineering" branch.

Please Note: All the M.tech notes have been uploaded by the admin and other members of this website, you can also help your friends, colleagues and students of other colleges by simply uploading any type of engineering content, PDF, PPT, Doc, Txt etc and share them here, it can be either prepared by yourself or with the help of anybody else.

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M.TECH COMPUTER SCIENCE ENGINEERING I Year I Semester Course Structure and Syllabus

1)Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms
2)Computer System Design
3)Advanced Operating Systems
4)Distributed Systems

5)Elective -I
Software Process and Project Management
Natural Language Processing
Pattern Recognition

6)Elective -II
Machine Learning
Parallel and Distributed Algorithms
Software Architecture and Design Patterns

Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms Lab


M.TECH COMPUTER SCIENCE ENGINEERING I Year II Semester Course Structure and Syllabus

1)Advanced Network Programming
2)Advanced Databases
3)Web Services and Service Oriented Architecture
4)Grid and Cloud Computing

5)Elective -III
Advanced Data Mining
Storage Area Networks
Database Security

6)Elective -IV
Semantic Web and Social Networks
Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing
Information Retrieval Systems

Web Services Lab 




  1. Replies
    1. Customer care helpline number
      8287968040 9832033754

      Customer care helpline number
      8287968040 9832033754

      Customer care helpline number
      8287968040 9832033754

      Customer care helpline number
      8287968040 9832033754

      Customer care helpline number
      8287968040 9832033754

  2. I want Civil, urban Transportation materials please...

  3. Thanks Akhil for great work !

  4. I want Civil,geoenvironmental material plz send jntuk

  5. sir, I want JNTU Kakinada M.Tech 1st year 2nd semester- ECE- Digital Electronics and Communication Systems(DECS) previous year papers

  6. I'm not able to download 1st year 2nd sem books. Link are not redirecting to the content page plz help me to download the books.
    thank you.

    1. Hi there, Just click on the links and you will be redirected to adf.ly page there you wait for 5 seconds and click 'Continue' option(on top-right corner) thanks it! file will start downloaded ;)

    2. After clicking on the link adf.ly/1JieRt,,adf.ly/1Jik6v etc showing in url space but it's not opening any pages. showing Blank screen. i tried in Google chrome, mozill, & IE..and waited up to 5 minutes..

    3. okay i'll check into it...

    4. Thank you very much now i'm able to download the books.

    5. cheers! keep sharing ;)

  7. sir, I want JNTU Kakinada M.Tech 1st year 2nd semester- ECE- Digital Electronics and Communication Systems(DECS) previous year papers


Thanks for that comment!